Tips on Staying Productive

Hi friends, happy Wednesday!

I find you in good spirits after what feels like a long and crazy few weeks. There is a lot going on in our world right now and I think if we all take the time to educate and teach ourselves, then we can start to see a positive change. I will continue to do my part and I hope you all will do the same! 

This is week eleven of me working from home and I can’t believe it has almost been three months! I feel like I am finally in a groove and I thought it may be beneficial to share a few things I am doing to stay productive. I think it is so easy to slip into habits that are less than productive and it can be hard to break them. I feel at my best when I am getting things done and checking boxes on my to-do list; so here are the five things I am doing to keep my productivity level up while working from home:

  1. Find a Routine and Stick To It – I find that when I carve out a daily routine and stick to it I am able to get more done throughout the week. This is what a typical day looks like for me:

6:30 – 12 Wake up and log into computer to begin my work day.

12 – 12:30 Lunch.

12:30 – 3:30 Work.

3:30 – 4:30 Catch up on anything blogging related.

4:30 – 6 This is my time of the day to run errands and get a workout in (usually at least 3x a week).

6-8 Prep, cook and eat dinner. Most nights Jeff and I will take the dogs for a long walk.

8-10 Family time and then bed.

2. Find A Method To Track “To-Do’s” and Set Personal Deadlines – I have two methods of tracking my to-do’s. They both are simple, but effective. Just the way I like it. See below:

a. Notes application on iPhone – I track everything in this app. I have a folder for grocery lists, anything house related, a LifeOffCedarLayne folder, a to-do list folder and so many more. They help keep all my thoughts and to-do’s in one organized place.

b. A planner – I use my planner to schedule out blog post and content for LifeOffCedarLayne.

3. Plan & Organize – Make plans for goals or things you want to achieve.  Then ensure you have the resources available to follow through with the plans you set. 

4. Be Realistic About Setting Achievable Goals – Setting yourself up for failure from the start does nothing when it comes to being productive. Start with setting smaller, more achievable goals. This helps with increasing your confidence and credibility. For example, if I wanted to lose 100 pounds. I could break that down into 10 smaller more achievable goals. Losing 10 pounds at a time is far more attainable then 100. Then once I reach my first 10 I feel confident in myself to lose another, then another, and another.

5. Take A Break To Reset – Being on your game 24/7 365 days a year gets exhausting. Give yourself grace and enjoy what it is you are doing. I typically use my weekends to reset. My life gets pretty hectic on the weekends, so sticking to a schedule sometimes doesn’t work. I use those two days to go with the flow, do what feels right in that moment, and enjoy my time before getting back to into the grind of the work week. 

What is it that you do to remain productive?



  1. Sondra Underwood
    June 4, 2020 / 7:24 am

    You never cease to amaze me.

    • Ashlyn Younkins
      June 4, 2020 / 9:39 am

      Thank you!